Letter to Friends- 5 things I hate about you!

Well! how many best friend you have in life. I have quite a number of them. Two from school, One from Graduation, One From Law faculty, 2 From Training /office and 3 from Social media (which includes my husband). This letter is to all my Best friends and not a specific one.

Holla Friends,

Thanks for being in my life . Though there are 1000 things which I love about you all of you,  but there are few things which make me mad as well. In this era of technology, We  all knowingly or unknowingly do all of them most of the time( includes me). So, its high time we all give some attention to them and improve..shall I begin?

  1. Please answer calls and if you do not get time to pick, atleast call back when you get time.
  2. Don’t leave conversations hanging in between be it a call or chat : How weird it sounds, but most of time all of us do it, please improve!
  3. Take courtesy to reply when you have read a whatsapp message or a text, yes please. Don’t wakeup after 5 days and reply, the matter may have lost its importance.
  4.  Don’t spoil travel plans on last day (unless ofcourse where it is necessary due to force majure) and if done, please intimate in advance (atleast a day) so we have time to make some other plans.
  5. Last one( but a funny one): Please take pain to like and reply to a meme on which I tag you on facebook. Out of my hundreds of friends, I choose to tag you, please don’t ignore okay?

Please take action on above points ASAP, otherwise I can sue you in court of friendship.

Waiting in anticipation for an early action !


This Blog is a part of the Letters of Love Blogathon aka ‘LOL-a-thon’ organised by ‘The Momsteins’. Stay around to read some wonderful letters by 25 awesome bloggers. This letter is based on the second prompt of the Blogathon which is -‘ A Letter To a Friend/Neighbour etc’.

I would like to thank Nishtha for introducing me in this chain. Do read her wonderful post on her blog www.themomnmunchkin.com

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